Location: Unknown Area??
Baits: Live Prawns,Dead prawns,Squid
The night was cold and the sea water was in a superb condition..we left our homes and pick Yusri up and off we go to the spot..Soon after we reached there,there was Yusri neighbourhood friends who was there fishing earlier and some few malay uncles were there too fishing..not much of action during the upcoming tide and soon we were given a cheap thrills instead..hehehe..the Blukang Catfish was indeed light up our night that day were total of 6 catches of FAT POWERFUL BLUE-Kang..lol...Indeed these blukang are different from other place..Thier strength are brutal and fight from far till near too..A Thai Anglers was also there and caught a nice 2kg++ Grouper..Nice size..
The next day we went there again to fish..Body was tired but was happy the day before we caught those fishes and released them safely back to the open sea...That night was filled with silence and no drag was pulled off..We waited and Yusri neighbour caught a nice Mangrove Jack weigh 500g at night...After that nothing else was caught till morning where Yusri got his nice Eel-tail Catfish a.k.a Sembilang..Thats all Anglers..Hope to see u drop by again next time..Tight Lines Always..
Grouper weighing 2kg++
Closer view-up...
The Fat and Strong Blukang..
The 500g Mangrove Jack..Nice one guys..
Yusri Neighbour posing up his catch..
See that Fat Fish??
Yusri taking out the hook cautiously..
My Foot and the fish length..Big Right??my feet is size 14..
The action begins..
Pumping up slowly..
The Cheap Prize Catch..hahaha
Thats my leg again with another Blukang...
2 Feet in length..how big it is!!!!
Again another fight..
Its near..
And the catch..
This is Shimano_Boi and his catch..
A foot length away..
Yusri and his Sembilang in the morning catch..
A closer view..